Saturday, January 23, 2016

Celebrating New Year My Way

It’s already a New Year and we can see in so many places, celebrating New Year are always in a grand spotlighted event. Maybe for some other students including me, celebrating New Year’s Eve was not a best thing to do while we were in the exam season. Everybody was focussing all their efforts to save their semester’s result.

So that was it. My New Year had been restricted because of the exam and I was killing time with medical books and lecture notes in my hand. Nothing much to expect, though.

Not to add, 2 weeks later after the New Year, one of my favourite characters in Harry Potter series, Alan Rickman died. His death causes grief among Harry Potter’s fans worldwide including me.

Eventually, we managed to escape the exam. We were too excited when it comes to wondering what our winter holidays will turn into. I already thought of planning trips to several places in Cairo and other places in Egypt long before holidays start. Somehow, we were expecting all the happy thought about those trips, but how about days between those trips?

There comes boredom and we came up to do something to kill our time or to be precise, to waste our time. Watching several movies copied from your friends’ hard disk is probably most of us did when nothing else would give us as much pleasure as the movies would.

I tell you, those movies or sets of Korean drama are already not catching my attention anymore. I don’t feel a temptation to watch them over and over so then my time is wasted just by lying down on my bed all day long. But then, you seems to develop that goddamn laziness even when you have to go take a pee, you are going to consider whether you can hold it a bit longer or not. It is pathetic, though. Since when I really become one? Hahaha.

So I decided to get back to my reading list. I’m going to start slow so I reached my novel. It has been there on my bookshelf; untouched like forever. ‘Tuesdays With Morrie’ by Mitch Albom should be a good start, I think.

Guess what? It really was!

It is nice to read a novel full of life lessons (especially during the start of this new year) which sometimes are reflecting on small-small things in our life which also the ones we always take for granted. Life lessons regarding life, death, family, friends, emotion, love and many more are being told by Mitch’s old professor, Morrie every Tuesdays; or maybe the last Tuesdays Mitch spent with Morrie.

Morrie was a patient of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) or also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. The disease of neurodegenerative which is terminal and lastly will lead to death. To simply know what Lou Gehrig’s disease is, it is like a patient that can sense pain but cannot response to the stimulus (cannot move their limbs or body away from anything that causes pain). After the diagnosis of the patient with the disease, 1 or 2 years more are expected for the patient to live their life.

After sixteen years of lost contact between these two characters, Mitch finally knew about Morrie’s illness from a midnight show that sharing some of Morrie’s wisdom and view about life. And then Mitch decided to go see Morrie, who also considers Mitch as his friend, and they made a deal that for every Tuesday, they both will discuss some topics about life. Morrie doesn’t hesitate to give his time to Mitch as he always been a giver himself.

For 14 Tuesdays they spent time alone. Exchanging views about world and life. In between stories on Tuesdays, Mitch reminisce their good days together back then in the university just to portray how close they were.

And for real, if there is any chance I have the power to force you to read a book, I will force you to read this one. I even highlighted some of the quotes because they are too precious to be ignored.

So next, I’m going to continue reading another Mitch Albom’s entitled, ‘For One More Day’. Now I know that I am so emotionally attached to Mitch Albom’s novels. Even sometimes I cannot hold my tears.

Oh nooo, what have I done to these good books which I put on the shelf unread?! Now I wish I would read them much sooner. But it always better than never, isn't it? At least I have something inspirational to start my New Year. Stay positive, stay optimistic guys! ;)

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